If you ever go to a major shopping mall in Karachi, you will find jewelry along with women's apparel at the local fashion brand store. Until recently, these decorative ornaments also included made of green stones and crystals. At first glance, these ordinary earrings look nothing unusual.

But then one day suddenly the Eid collection disappeared from the Zen stores. It was learned that the sight of a princess fell on these men and they fled. Then when the princess wore them, everyone began to want to buy them. This is Princess Duchess of Cambridge Kate Middleton. Meeting with the Princess 'Prince' The earrings were first discussed when Kate Middleton, along with her husband Prince William, wore them to meet Prince Karim Agha Khan, the spiritual leader of Ismaili Shiite Muslims. During the meeting, media cameras photographed the royal couple, and as Kate Middleton's green dress and matching band became noticeable, the language became known. The purpose of the event, held at the Aga Khan Center in London, was to introduce the royal couple to Pakistani culture and customs before visiting Pakistan. The two met with prominent Pakistani-born British personalities and learned about Pakistan.

Designed by a blend of traditional and sophisticated designs, the designers of the fashion brand 'Zen' are the creators of Nazia Nazar, Sara Mania and their team. They are also pleased with the satisfaction that their design has brought to the Duchess of Cambridge. Sarah Mania told the BBC that she was surprised when she learned via social media that British princess Kate Middleton was wearing the bandages. “I was delighted that Kate chose a Pakistani brand and she was our brand.” Nazia Nazar said, showing the earliest drawings of these earrings, the jewelry they designed is influenced by the local culture, but its style is modern. This is why our products attract local buyers as well as consumers abroad. I think that's why Kate Middleton liked our design. "According to Nazia Nazar and Sarah Mania, the green color of these bands could also be a reason for choosing them, as the men wearing the band Kate Middleton wore it. The visit was about Pakistan.
Is this universal which cannot be stopped by a country's borders or geography. 'I didn't know this news would spread so fast. Within a few hours of meeting Kate Middleton and Prince William's Prince Karim Agha Khan, I started getting calls from friends and relatives from all over the world. How did Kate Middleton get her product? Their answer was that these men were chosen by Kate and her stylist themselve.
Meeting with Prince Karim Agha Khan of the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge and leading British Pakistani personalities was the precursor of his visit to Pakistan. The royal couple is visiting Pakistan from October 14 to 18. This is the British royal family's first visit to Pakistan in thirteen years. Earlier in 2006, Prince Charles and his wife Kamila Parker came to Pakistan. Queen Elizabeth has visited Pakistan in 1961 and 1999, while Princess Diana visited Pakistan in 1996.
37-year-old Princess Kate Middleton is known worldwide for her charming personality and unique style of fashion. They can undoubtedly be called a style icon. Whenever she attends a public or non-governmental event, her embroidered dress disappears from the market within a few hours. Experts say Kate Middleton is the hottest sales item for any social or social media personality. This phenomenon is called 'cat effect'. Kate Middleton often creates a unique combination by buying expensive items from the high street or the general market, using them with expensive costumes and jewelry.
'Cat Effect' was also spotted with Pakistani fashion brand 'Zen'. What to wear these green earrings by the Duchess of Cambridge Women around the world, including Pakistan, took them by the hand. Cambridge Zen Group Chairman Anis Navywala told the BBC that after October 2, sales of these specific products began to skyrocket, and soon the product was 'out of stock' on Zen's website and stores. “We didn't have enough stock that we could meet buyers' demand and ended up seeing the stock that was available.” What is the value of the bonds?

Nineteen-year-old says a large number of orders have been placed to manufacture these items, and soon this item will resell. 'Not only are we re-launching this unique design, but in addition to green it is also being developed in other unique colors. Now we want to expand our jewelry sector and introduce a wide range of Bonds and other similar items. ”Kate Middleton's selected droplets cost only Rs 835. According to Cambridge Zen Group Chairman Anise Navywala, their brand is known for introducing low-cost but quality products that people of every category can buy. 'British princess Kate Middleton reinforces our notion that low-cost goods are not necessarily of inferior quality. Cheap products can also be standard and attractive. ”These men show their simplicity and modesty, if selected by a world-renowned celebrity for less than a thousand bucks.” Modern and confident women designer duo According to Nazia Nazar and Sarah Mania, their designs are tailored to contemporary women like Princess Kate Middleton. Nazia Nazaar says, "When designing costumes and jewelry, we take care that they are in line with the likes of modern-day sovereign and confident women who are taking care of their home and fulfilling their professional responsibilities." Waiting for Pakistani clothing The team of this fashion brand is now waiting for when the Duchess of Cambridge Kate Middleton now wears Pakistani clothing after jewelery. Cambridge Zen Group Chairman Anise Nawiwala wants Kate to look traditional Pakistani attire. 'I want Kate Middleton to enjoy Pakistani culture and traditional hospitality immensely. I want them to try Pakistani clothing and I would be happier if they wear any of our brand Zen.

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